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From the moment the crocodile leaps out of the muddy water, you know you’re in for some dynamic entertainment. What will surprise you is just how sweeping, inventive, and even beautiful this Thai martial arts movie can be. The plot of Ong Bak 2 is basic: A young prince sees his parents murdered by a usurping tyrant. Under the tutelage of a bandit chief, the boy grows up to be an astonishing fighter who sets out to take revenge. (There’s no need to see Ong Bak before seeing this film; the only thing they have in common is their star.) What lifts it above the ordinary are aggressive camera-work, acrobatic action sequences, and moments of dazzling, hypnotic loveliness (such as the Thai dance scene, shot with a stunning visual symmetry that falls somewhere between Busby Berkeley and Stanley Kubrick). And above all, there is Tony Jaa, who stars as the adult prince and co-directed. Jaa is one of those virtuosic physical performers--like Bruce Lee but also like Fred Astaire--who seem to channel some divine energy through human flesh. Not only is he is a peak athlete; he has a vulnerable, soulful charisma, which has nothing to do with acting ability but makes someone supremely watchable on film. Ong Bak 2 is not kitsch or camp; it has the over-the-top romanticism that Western audiences sometimes resist--but if you surrender to it, Ong Bak 2 is a rich, rewarding movie experience. --Bret Fetzer

Best Tony Jaa film. Seriously. The storyline is amazing. He isn't trying to get back a statue or elephant. Can *not* wait for part 3!
I kinda wish the title would be something different than Ong Bak because it definitely is NOT a sequel.

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Who You Gonna Call
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Hi Nicki,
On behalf of Magnolia Pictures and the movie’s producers, many thanks for plugging "Ong Bak 2" ... .. thanks also, on behalf of the distributors and producers, for not posting any pirate copies or non-trailer clips of “Ong Bak 2” and if you / your readers want good quality, non-pirated, previews, then the official trailer for “Ong Bak 2” is available for fans and bloggers to post/ host / share etc at http://www.apple.com/trailers/magnolia/ongbak2 ... .. for further details of on-line promotions for this movie and Magnolia releases generally, check-out www.magpictures.com and their official YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/MagnoliaPictures .
Thanks again for your plug.
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